Thought is a dynamic force. It moves. It is infectious. Thought creates. You can work wonders with the power of thought. Through the instrumentality of thought, you acquire creative power. There are nowadays numerous books on though-power. Every thought has a literal value to you in every possible way. The strength of your body, the strength of your min, your success in life and the pleasures you give to others by your company-all depend on the nature and quality of your thoughts.
Thoughts are living things. Every change in thought is accompanied by vibration of its matter. Thought as force needs a special kind of subtle matter in its working. Your mind assumes the form of anything it contemplates. When you think of an object, your mind shapes itself into the form of that object. When you change your thought, your mind also changes its shape. Many modifications continually arise in the mind. Your thoughts rapidly change. Your mind also changes its shape rapidly. Every moment, mind is continually creating hundreds of these thought-forms and continually dispersing them again. It never holds on steadily to one thought-form for some time.
The body is the product of the mind. If you entertain healthy thoughts, you can keep good health. If you hold on to sickly thoughts in the mind, thoughts of diseased tissues, thoughts of weak-nerves, thoughts of improper functioning of organs, you can never expect good health, beauty and harmony. If you hold on vigorous thoughts in the mind, then the physical body also will be vigorous. Evil thoughts of all kinds befoul and infure the mind and, if persisted in, will become veritable diseases and maimings of the mind incurable during the period of life.
Man is created by thought; what a man thinks upon, that he becomes. Think you are strong; strong you become. Think you are weak; the weak you become. Think you are a fool; fool you become. Think you are God; God you become. A man forms his own character, becoming that which he thinks. If you meditate on courage, you shall work courage into your character. If you think nobly, you shall gradually make for yourself a noble character, but if you think basely, a base character will be formed.
Steady perservering thought sets up a definite habit of the mind and that habit manifests itself as quality in the character. The thread of thought is woven into mental and moral qualities and these qualities in their totality from what we call character. You can build your character as surely as a mason can build a wall, working with and through the law. The first step towards a deliberate creation of character lies then in the deliberate choosing of what we will think and then of thinking persistently on the quality chosen. Soon, there will be tendency to evince that quality; a little longer, its exercise will become habitual.
Thought makes character. You spin the thread of though into your destiny. That which man thinks upon in one life, he becomes in another. If the mind dwells continually upon one train of thought, a groove is formed into which the though-force runs automatically and such a habit of thought survives death and since it belongs to the ego, is carried over to the subsequent earth life as a thought tendency and capacity.
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